Screens of the World

The Scar

by Dominique MAESTRALI , David DESRAMÉ


Original title : La cicatrice

Director : Dominique MAESTRALI , David DESRAMÉ

Production : Calisto Productions

Duration : 90 Minutes

Year : 2009

Original version : French

Subtitled version : English

Country : France


Wall of Shame. Iron Curtain... since its construction in 1961, the Berlin Wall has become the symbol of the Cold War and the division of the world into two camps. Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain, what is happening along this huge gash, the scar of Europe from the Baltic to the Black Sea? To evoke this historic page, Dominique Maestrali and David Desramé decided to walk along the former Iron Curtain to meet some of the people who were present when it was demolished. Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria... how do the inhabitants of these countries feel about the events of yesterday and the building of Europe today?


Jury Special Prize 2009: Erasmus EuroMedia Awards

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Documentaries of the same theme : History & Civilisation