Screens of the World


by Hervé ROESCH


Original title : Cahos

Director : Hervé ROESCH

Production : Ana Films

Duration : 62 Minutes

Year : 2015

Original version : French

Dubbed version : English

Country : France


Cahos is a mountain range in Haiti, recluse and landlocked, it is also a traditional place of production of coffee. In 1986, with the fall of the dictatorship of Jean-Claude Duvalier, the price of Haitian coffee collapsed and precipitated the families of farmers in need. In order not to die of hunger, Elord and his friends are trying to relaunch the production of coffee, but the future is veiled like those screens of smoke rising through the hills. Elord, a humble farmer, is our guide through his Cahos, where once nature was lush. It is with a moving smile and an unexpected joviality that he approaches the difficulties and the contradictions which are his, but also those of a whole country.



  • Terra Festival de Guadeloupe (April 2016)
  • Groix Island International Insular Film Festival, "Favorites" category (August 2016)
  • Ekotopfilm, Czech Republic (October 2016)
  • Martinique International Film Festival (December 2016)
  • Femi, Guadeloupe (February 2017)
  • Cinecolo, Haiti (February 2017)
  • Cinema Nature Meetings, Dompierre-sur-Besbre (April 2017)
  • Festival Vues d'Afrique, Montreal, Canada (April 2017)
  • Ecozine Festival, Zaragoza, Spain (May 2017)
  • Cameras of the Champs de Ville-sur-Yron (May 2016): second prize of the jury
  • Prize for the best monthly documentary of the Miami Independent Film Festival (November 2016)
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