Screens of the World

Living and Breathing

by Georges CRAWFORD , Alain Guillaume de GINESTEL


Original title : À pleins poumons

Director : Georges CRAWFORD , Alain Guillaume de GINESTEL

Production : French Connection Films

Duration : 52 Minutes

Year : 2011

Original version : French, English

Dubbed version : French, English

Country : France


In Living & Breathing, we witness how three women from three different countries, the US, the UK and France, cope with a chronic illness: Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (or LAM for short), a rare and fatal disease which usually attacks the lungs of women in their childbearing years and can progressively cause respiratory failure. The difficulties, uncertainties, and isolation derived from living with this disease are relieved by the measures of joy that are still to be found in life – even under these circumstances. Against all expectations, the disease becomes a great battle that leads these women to reinvent themselves and their lives with greater meaning than ever before. They teach us profound lessons about what is important in our own lives, how we face imminent mortality, and whether happiness is still possible despite being afflicted with such an illness.

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